Slot-die Head

Slot die heads

Slot die heads

infinityPV offers slot-die heads from the very small to the very large. The smallest are useful in the laboratory allowing you to coat as little as a single stripe while studying drying, coating or simply just learning the technique. The largest enabling you to manufacture the different layers of solar cells on a large scale. We offer the slot-die heads in different materials from composite, through alloy to stainless steel, suiting the different needs of chemistry, weight and thermal latency. They are available in gasket-less forms with very few parts that are easy to assemble and easy to clean and also in forms suitable for pressurized operation. We have a number of standard heads and shim kits in stock and we can of course always make the slot-die head and shim kits according to your needs. Common to the infinityPV slot-die heads, is that they offer reliable operation with minimum maintenance at low cost. They also fit all our coating and printing platforms.
Brand: infinityPV Available
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