Genome EditorTM is a simple and easy-to-use electroporator suitable for zygote genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 system.
High throughput and effcient CRISPR/Cas9-based mouse genome editing by RNA electroporation to zygote.

Fgf10 gene knockout mouse by Cas9 mRNA/gRNA electroporation
Fgf10 homozygous mutant embryo have an easily detectable limbless phonotype. Electroporation of Cas9 mRNA (Cas9 Protein) and gRNA enables genome editing of Fgf10.
Electrodes for zygote genome editing
Platinum plate electrode on tempered glass, LF501PT1-10, can hold up to ~40 mouse zygotes in a 5 μL electroporation buffer and enables efficient and high throughput zygote genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 by electroporation.

Electroporation vs Microinjection
Not necessary
Preparation of injection and hold pippettes, etc.
Required time
for 100 zygotes
~5 minutes
> 2 hours
Viability (after E15)
Same as microinjection
Depends on the sequence
Required skills
Not necessary
Maniipularion of single zygotes
Required amount of Cas9 mRNA
500 - 2,000 ng
50 - 500 ng
More zygotes can be treated at one time by electroporation than microinjection.
Viability of treated zygotes are much higher in electroporation than in microinjection.
No special skills are required for electroporation compared to microinjection, which requires injection technique that is time-consuming to acquire.
Electroporation is, therefore, the ideal method for high throughput mouse zygote genome editing by CRISPR/Cas9 system.
1 - 200 V / 1 V resolution
Max current
1000 mA
Pulse length (Pon)
0.1 - 1000 ms
Pulse interval (Poff)
1.00 - 1000 ms
Pulse number
1 - 1000 for Pd(+)
1 - 500 for Pd(+/-) and Pd(ALT)
Impedance measurement
Up to 4.00 kΩ
Voltage measurement
-200 V - +200 V / 1 V resolution
Current measurement
-1023 mA - +1024 mA / 1 mA resolution
Memorable programs
>20000 programs
Last 100 histories are saved.
History data can be exported to a USB memory in CSV format.
100 - 115 or 220 V, 50/60 Hz
10 A (6.3 mm x 20 mm)
W 240 mm X L 380 mm X H 190 mm (w/o rubber stand, umbo)
5.5 kg