
Promotions - Details

IKA & Asynt New Year Package Deal

22 December 2023

Practical lab package deals to help make your lab life easier.

Limited time offer! Valid until 30.06.2024.

[[ Package 1: Asynt DrySyn Parallel Synthesis Kit ]]
Parallel synthesis DrySyn oil-free heating kit for tubes & vials, with compact safety shield.

[[ Package 2: Asynt DrySyn Spiral Evaporator Package ]]
Powerful parallel evaporation for even high-boiling solvents, without bumping.

[[ Package 3: Asynt DrySyn SnowStorm ONE Package ]]
Sub-ambient chemistry up to 1,000mL, with insulation package.

[[ Package 4: Asynt DrySyn MULTI-M Package ]]
Up to 3 reactions in 250mL flasks in parallel, with waterless condensing/ reflux.

[[ Bonus Offer: IKA RCT Basic Ready-to-go Solution ]]
Buy at a special discounted price with any package above!

CONTACT US for full details or to talk through your needs!