
Semi-Automated Dissolution Tester - SOTAX

ATS Xtend™ Offline - Dissolution Testers

ATS Xtend™ Offline - Dissolution Testers

Dissolution tester automatically withdraw, filter, and collect samples in tubes, capped LC vials, or well plates
ATS Xtend™ UV Online - Dissolution Tester

ATS Xtend™ UV Online - Dissolution Tester

Integrated UV-Vis analysis in your dissolution tester of samples in real-time for each timepoint.
ATS Xtend™ UV On-/ Offline - Dissolution Tester

ATS Xtend™ UV On-/ Offline - Dissolution Tester

Get the best of both worlds. Online UV-Vis measuring and offline collection of samples with your dissolution tester.
ATS Xtend™ Double UV On-/ Offline - Dissolution Tester

ATS Xtend™ Double UV On-/ Offline - Dissolution Tester

Share your fraction collector and UV-Vis for online testing and offline collection with your dissolution testers.
ATS Xtend™ LC On-/ Offline - Dissolution Tester

ATS Xtend™ LC On-/ Offline - Dissolution Tester

Automated injection from your dissolution tester of collected samples directly into your HPLC / UPLC system.
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