Automatic Diluter and Plater - Interscience

easySpiral Dilute Automatic Diluter and Plater

easySpiral Dilute Automatic Diluter and Plater

easySpiral Dilute Automatic Diluter and Plater is an automatic diluter and plater of Petri dishes. It allows 1/10th serial dilutions and plating up to 6 log. dilution on 1 single Petri dish.
easySpiral Automatic Plater

easySpiral Automatic Plater

easySpiral allows plating of a sample with 300 to 1.3x105 CFU/mL on one Petri dish, without prior dilution. Plated volumes are of 50 and 100 µL.
easySpiral Pro Automatic Plater

easySpiral Pro Automatic Plater

easySpiral Pro Automatic Plater allows plating of a sample of 100 to 1x107 CFU/mL on one Petri dish, without prior dilution.
easySpiral Pro Milk Automatic Plater

easySpiral Pro Milk Automatic Plater

easySpiral Pro Milk is an automatic Petri dish plater. It allows plating of a sample of 100 to 1x107 CFU/mL on a single Petri dish, without prior dilution.
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    Analytical Science
